Sunday, June 7, 2009

Luganda prayers + Bugandan hearts = humbled mandy

Saturday is actually the busiest day of the week for the missionaries. We went into town to the BLRC (Better Life Resource Center/church building) for our 2nd language lesson, then a Ladies Community Life Care Group which is simply a bible study. It was very neat to hear songs in Luganda and the exchange of ideas and thoughts from the scriptures we read as well as hearing a prayer in Luganda. It’s a beautiful language. I loved being a part of that bible study. Next was the Leadership Team meeting. It was really another bible study. The church leaders discussed Ephesians 1-2 and went over discussion questions which next week each leader will ask their particular life care group. I was able to sit in and listen and participate. Incredible. The wisdom and knowledge and spirituality of the Ugandan leaders was very humbling. I really gained so much respect for them in the 2 hour bible study we had together. The interns and some of the youth went for a stroll around town and enjoyed ourselves. Once back home to Darla’s, what started as a small talk conversation around 10 pm turned into a 3 hour deep and heart felt share time between Darla and I. We called it a night after 1 am. Darla and I click really well and we shared a lot and I was able to hear more of her story and how she got to be on the mission field and different struggles we have had or have right now. It was just what I needed and God knew that.

Today was our first Sunday and I was pumped to experience worship. It was outside but under a covering next to the building in order to hold all the members. Once the children were dismissed to bible class, Heidi, Hannah, and I went with them to help out. The kids in my room didn’t all speak the same language. Some English, some Luganda, and the refugee kids from Congo spoke both French and Swahili. It was interesting. But they were all so sweet. Tonight we came back up to the church for the Singles ministry bible study. We sang in Luganda and English. I passed out chai lattes and bread, which I must add that a Ugandan named Steve leaned over to Heidi and said, "Tell mandy when you get home that one day she will make a good wife." When Heidi told me this I laughed out loud. You all probably are as well. I finally get a witness for doing a "homemaker" thing and get a compliment to go along. I'm not going to lie that probably was the first I've heard it be said in reference to my homemaker skills. Ha- thanks Steve! Back to the bible study, we shared what important things we had on our hearts regarding the scripture we read or thoughts we have. It also lasted over 2 hours. They people here are not in on a set rigid schedule. There is not a time limit to any event. You stay till you have accomplished all you wanted to accomplish. It is amazing to see how important God and faith are to the Uganda people.

Today was the first day I walked around town and to and from the taxi park without being nervous or like a deer in the headlights. I am starting to adjust to certain aspects that were hard the first few days. There are people I am meeting here that I already know will be hard to part with. I just want to take Sheeba, Seth, Peter, Francis, and a few others back to the States with me. Too bad I didn't bring my usual huge suitcases cuz I am sure they all would fit inside. They have already impacted me with their walks of faith and gentle spirits from the few shorts days I have been here.

Final story to end with. I meant to mention it last time but the other day when I was out with Darla and Fred we stopped to eat at this little shed..really.. for chicken and chips. The chips are actually Irish potatoes and very good. I tried to tell the lady "The chicken was very good." Instead what came out was, "The chicken is alive and well." Haha! She laughed hard and knew I didn't mean it. She appreciated me trying though and took no offense. It was the thought that counts right?

Anyway, it is getting late now and I must call it a day.

Love you all,



  1. The chicken is alive an well huh? LOL That cracks me up!!!!! You have such a sweet spirit Mandy! I am learning a whole new side of my best friend! Ii'm so glad that you are having such a grerat time and are growing with God along the way! We had a guest speaker at church today who is a missionary in Africa and while he was talking about it, I couldn't get you off my mind. I pary for you always and can't wait to hear more. Little Homemaker Mandy :). That will be a day! LOL! I love you so much and miss you more than you can imagine! Keep having fun and stay safe!

  2. This post made me laugh when you were told you would be a great "homemaker" because it reminds me of the time we made cookies and they were REALLY burnt and attempting to make spaghetti in Romania and how disgusting it turned out! LoL. I'm glad you're having a great time out there and I know you are doing such great things. I miss you!

  3. Mandy...daddy is writing you on my facebook message....hope all is great with you! We miss and love you!!!
