Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Following the Unknown Path of God's Will

You know God works in crazy ways. He has a way of changing our plans, our paths, even our desires in order to further His kingdom. Some people spend their entire lives trying to fit God into their big plans. You have interest and passions and somehow you think God will be able to just slide right into your groove and life will be great. Think again my friend. For God's ways are higher than our ways. The plans and will of God for our lives do not have to make sense to us. We do not have to understand why our Heavenly Father is calling us to do something or go somewhere at that time. Everything will be made clear in due time, in His time and when it happens, we will realize just how faithful God is! 
Of course, we trust God. Right? He is our Creator, right? He did create each and every one of us uniquely and specifically to serve in this world and to glorify Him with the talents, desires, and strengths and weaknesses we have. God cares so much about His children. Every need He not only knows but He will provide for. Physically- yes. Spiritually- you better believe it. Emotionally- no way, really? yes! If I give my life over to God, fully surrender my wants and goals and wishes and expectations and let God take the wheel, I will be astonished at not only how great the destination I arrive at is but also be blown away by the incredible journey!! 
God has a way of surprising us. I love surprises. There is something about a surprise that says, "I love you and care about you. I hid something special from you only long enough to allow you to fully appreciate the gift I have prepared for you. I want to see that shock factor. I want to knock you off your feet." I think on top of that God's surprising plans for our lives say,  "I want the unexpected and wonderful plans I have for you to be one more testimony as to My power and grace and faithfulness. You wanted bread today I know and I want to surprise you with cake instead tomorrow. Trust in Me and I will rock your world like you won't believe. Put My will first and you will never regret a day of your life. Live for Me and I will make your life on earth more abundant and blessed than you could ever fathom." 

Mbarara was wonderful. The rural living I saw was totally different than the Kampala and I was able to spend the night in the middle of nowhere Africa :) along with Heidi basically in a rural village with a sweet family. The man is 60 years old, outlived his first 2 wives, and his third wife is pregnant with his 12 child at the moment! We were able to drink chai, eat matoke, visit the village people, fetch water at the crack of dawn down a dirt road twice carrying the container on a big stick held between Heidi and myself. That was a hoot. We washed dishes outside, cut down banana tree leaves, helped cut matoke, planted trees, and helped cut meat (yuck). It was an incredible experience. I loved every minute of it. The missionaries here are wonderful,  a lot of fun, and have large families. I am so glad we stayed here.

We stopped in Kabale, Uganda on our way to Kigali, Rwanda. It was absolutely beautiful. Now we are in Rwanda and the missionaries here are fantastic. Today has been a very eye opening and heart tugging day. God is working on me a lot right now. I have no idea what He is doing but it is exciting!! We are staying in Rwanda surveying until Monday. I will write more in the days to come. 

I love you all and hope all is well! God bless you!

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